Content Automations
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We launched The Mosaic podcast for GovCon IT leaders seeking to stay on top of emerging multicloud technology and trends – compliance, cybersecurity, usability and more.
Constantly focused on systems delivery and serving your stakeholders? It's hard to keep up. Listen to or watch the Mosaic podcast to learn what's new.

Every month on The Mosaic we piece together key facets of a tricky multicloud challenge — diving into big obstacles (hint: users, staffing and budget), workshopping solutions, then finally revealing the winning project gameplan. And we always wrap with a focus on practical future-proofing with some of the smartest IT players from TBS, Deltek, Oracle, Alfresco, Microsoft and more.
Listen to The Mosaic podcast by hitting the link below, or jump into our podcast page on YouTube for more.
“Don't replace, add.
Simple strategies to get more from your current document repositories.”
(Episode 6)
TBS Director of Enterprise Content Management, Arpit Jain, joins Jay Ethridge and Eric Brown to explain how "the ECM wars" miss the point when it comes to leveraging your documents to drive efficiencies and assure contract compliance. His big reveal? Use flexible open-source content platforms with your existing ECM – Alfresco, SkyVault, SharePoint, Hyland and more – to create automations and retention apps. Win-Win.
Looking to connect your documents with Deltek to streamline processes and ensure proper retention practices?

Our consultants are ready to help.
While nearly every business has invested in a robust content management system, most organizations with Costpoint as their unifying ERP find their documents disconnected, and their sharing and storage practices inefficient and isolated.
Our team of experts has seen these challenges before and solved them in numerous ways. Common content management projects for Deltek we deliver include:
- Costpoint CMIS module configurations and support for any ECM – Aspire Docs (TBS SkyVault), SharePoint, Alfresco, Hyland, Documentum, Salesforce and more
- Business process analysis and workshopping to streamline document handling and approvals for Costpoint A/P, A/R, customer invoices, expense reports, and contracts
- Evaluating records retention mandates from your contracts and regulatory frameworks and building practical policies so your users successfully meet them
- Costpoint document automations and workflows that connect with your ECM system of record.
If you're looking for enhanced document visibility and controls for Costpoint, our ECM consultants are available to tailor your custom solution.
Let's get started.
Automations and records management for your documents

Augment current content with business process and retention automations.
Enterprise content security, retention, and resiliency are critical for today's multicloud landscape, yet document management systems and policies often languish in a “set it and forget it” state. Modifying and migrating core ECM practices and infrastructure are a heavy and disruptive lift.
Though there are many ways to make your enterprise content more powerful – retention automations, business process workflows, and AI – current system commitments make it hard to get started. Mosaic's add-on content and records management features solve this intractable challenge by working seamlessly across your current document repositories.
Mosaic's apps for content automation and records management boost both your compliance and users with system stitching document workflows, customizable retention add-ons, and document data governance for any repository you choose.
Aspire Content Connect is an accessible, scalable and agile business process solution powered by the Alfresco Activiti platform, an open-source engine with virtually limitless flexibility and scalability.
Aspire seamlessly syncs with any system (ERP, CRM, HCM and more), any document type, and any repository in any cloud, giving developers and business leaders a powerful suite of end-user tools for document workflows and automations that integrate with any ECM, including Hyland, Box, Drive, SharePoint and more.
Spanning your multicloud deployments, Mosaic gives you seamless records management for every system and use case. Mosaic brings your procedures and disposition rules to life while leaving your current enterprise content in place.
Easily tuned for your systems, contracts, and compliance, Mosaic automatically connects with 70+ systems including Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint and Exchange, Google Mail, OpenText, Documentum, IBM FileNet, SAP,, and Box.
Mosaic automates your records management practices with invisible end-to-end handling for every record type – electronic and physical documents, videos, audio files, images and more – that works with no end-user interaction.
As regulatory mandates continue to grow for government contractors, more and more documents, contract artifacts, and corporate records must be secured and maintained to meet detailed disposition rules (for CMMC, NIST, DCAA, SOX, CMS, DISA and more).
Mosaic multicloud document governance technology includes readily configurable File Plans so you control your retention schedules, hold and transfer practices, and archive and destruction activities.
Easily establish rules and metadata to automatically drive records disposition, and optionally enable records declarations with direct flagging on any desktop – Windows, Mac and Linux.
No matter your current content management infrastructure, systems, and policies, Mosaic seamlessly stitches them together with powerful business process workflows, comprehensive and customizable records management, and universal document data governance features.
Supported products and services

Map your Multicloud.
If you're looking to optimize or diversify the Deltek cloud mix for your business, our practical multicloud planning guide is a great place to start.
The guide helps visualize your cloud landscape and strategize a path forward for better utilization and allocation of resources – including your assets, your budget and your people.
Download now to begin.
Whenever you're ready we're here to partner with you, shaping scattered systems to create a beautiful multicloud mosaic.
Bon voyage!